When the thought of pool safety arises, the first thing that comes to thought is a properly placed fence surrounding the pool. While properly designed and maintained pool fences are the primary line of defence in preventing young children falling into a pool, they are definitely not enough.
Indeed, I speak from the research analyzing situations along with pictures on the internet of children such as Georgia, the 18-month-old which was found leaning over the edge of the pool trying to reach for a ball which was left floating in the pool. The reason been the gate had not latched properly.
Although being that girl leaning over the pool was saved, fixing locks to the pools would not be the only solution to your problems. This is a well known fact that children are very resourceful and creative when it comes to getting to a pool: the smallest gap in the fence; a box or chair left where it can be climbed on (or dragged to the fence); even a dog digging a tiny hole under the fence (if a dog can squeeze through it, a small child can often do so too). So it is unwise to be complacent about pool safety, even if your pool fence seems impenetrable.
Based on statistics, personal swimming pools in homes and including swimming pools in public places tend to have a new idea of installing an expensive closed-circuit TV system which will be linked to say the life guard booth or if in your home the kitchen where kids can be monitored.
That’s a very good way to keep watch over the kids while they’re in the pool and parents, for example, is inside. But what happens when the parent is not at the monitor? Even the best TV monitoring system would be deemed.
A much better form of protection is to use a device which can detect someone actually falling into the pool and then activating to scream its head off.
One way to detect someone falling into the pool is to sense any small change in the water level and set off an alarm if the change in level matches certain parameters for example, changes cause by wind or filter action need to be rejected.
PROJECT SWIM-SA is based on this principle.
Being battery operated and enclosed in its own personalized waterproof case. Project SWIM-SA could be the solution for the problems faced. Inside a special sensor senses the rapid changes in the water level while filtering smaller insignificant input such as wind , rain , and not forgetting the swimming pools filter pump system. During which if these changes in the pools water level as would happen when someone falls in. On detecting this change, a siren sounds.
The device is designed to be placed into the pool where it would be left on all the time, except of course during which the pool is being occupied. Currently the idea is to have a built in waterproof on/off switch is provided to allow it to be removed from the pool without sounding. And another switch main purpose is to check whether the alarm is working at the same time checking whether the battery there is fully functioning and if the device it ready to operate.
Further discussion on the project takes place in improving the system .Planned additional features of the project would be installing a wireless radio frequency transmitter to the alarm allowing a secondary alarm to be placed in the house or another area where people could be notified of the event occurring.
Secondly another improvement to the alarm would be installing a failsafe system if ever it occurs when the alarm would be jeopardized by leaks to the alarm. This would be solved by the installation of a backup emergency system which would be able to function at the weakest of conditions and still complete on its task of saving a life.